Proso Millet
Crop Type | Warm Season Grass |
Seeds / Lb | 120,000 |
Minimum Germination Temperature | 42F |
Proso Millet is ideal for short season growing or if feeding wildlife is desired. While this millet has good forage production, it doesn’t produce as much as the other millets (German, Pearl), but is cheaper overall if cost is a concern. Proso Millet is often taken for grain in other states, which makes it ideal for game birds and exotic birds such as finches.
Nitrogen Scavenger | 3 |
Soil Builder | 4 |
Prevent Erosion | 5 |
Weed Suppression | 4 |
Grazing | 5 |
Quick Growth | 4 |
Lasting Residue | 4 |
Make P and K Available | 3 |
Loosen Topsoil | 4 |
Suppress Disease | 3 |
Attract Beneficial Insects | 1 |
1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Tagged grass