
Crop Type | Warm Season Legume |
Seeds / Lb | 2,200 |
Minimum Germination Temperature | 42F |
Chickpeas are a great option for limited rainfall areas and probably one of the best warm season legumes we’ve seen grow in Montana. With roots that go deeper than dry peas or lentils, it can tap into subsoil moisture. If using in a cover crop mix that is being planted in a pulse crop rotation that features chickpeas, it is best to leave it out of the mix because risk of disease. Chickpeas will flower which will attract beneficial insects. While chickpeas aren’t known for their weed suppressing abilities, they are ideal in mixes designed to be grazed.
Nitrogen Scavenger | 2 |
Soil Builder | 2 |
Prevent Erosion | 4 |
Weed Suppression | 2 |
Grazing | 5 |
Quick Growth | 4 |
Lasting Residue | 2 |
Make P and K Available | 2 |
Loosen Topsoil | 3 |
Suppress Disease | 2 |
Attract Beneficial Insects | 4 |
1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Tagged legumes