Balansa Clover
Crop Type | Cool Season Legume |
Seeds / Lb | 500,000 |
Minimum Germination Temperature | 42F |
Balansa clover is like crimson clover but has increased cold tolerance and biomass production. It is extremely palatable, has good digestibility and high crude protein content (20%). Due to it’s low stature and ground-hugging nature, Balansa clover has been recorded surviving multiple days of sub-zero temperatures with snow cover. When Balansa is in it’s early rosette stage, above ground growth is limited because it is concentrating it’s energy on producing a taproot.
Nitrogen Scavenger | 3 |
Soil Builder | 4 |
Prevent Erosion | 4 |
Weed Suppression | 4 |
Grazing | 5 |
Quick Growth | 4 |
Lasting Residue | 3 |
Make P and K Available | 3 |
Loosen Topsoil | 5 |
Suppress Disease | 3 |
Attract Beneficial Insects | 4 |
1 = Poor and 5 = Excellent
Tagged legumes